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  Classes of Christian Vigh   Extended Ini File   Download  
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Extended Ini File
Load and edit configuration INI format files
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 1,886 bytes



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        The following example demonstrates how a variable store can be used together with the IniFile class
        to allow .INI files to reference variables.

        The example .INI file contains the following :

            HOST = somehost
            DOMAIN = www.$(HOST).com
            FIRSTNAME = John
            LASTNAME = Smith

            Hostname = $(DOMAIN)
            Username = $(FIRSTNAME) $(LASTNAME)

        We decided that the [Variables] section would be here to define variables, such as HOST, DOMAIN, etc.
        that could be used in every setting value defined in this .INI file. This is done by calling the
        IniFile::SetVariableStore() method (but we could have used any other source for that, such as an
        associative array of variable name/value pairs, an existing VariableStore object, your currently
        defined environment variables, or any combination of them).

require ( 'IniFile.class.php' ) ;

    if (
php_sapi_name ( ) != 'cli' )
"<pre>" ;

// Instantiate an IniFile object for file
$inifile = IniFile::LoadFromFile ( '' ) ;

// Say that all the settings defined in the [Variables] section are to be used for building a variable store
$inifile -> SetVariableStore ( 'Variables' ) ;

// Now call the GetKey() method to retrieve the values of the Hostname and Username keys in the [Settings] section
    // GetKey() will process any reference to existing variables with their value before returning the setting contents
echo "Hostname = " . $inifile -> GetKey ( 'Settings', 'Hostname' ) . "\n" ;
"Username = " . $inifile -> GetKey ( 'Settings', 'Username' ) . "\n" ;