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File: lib/Multiotp/webservice_install.cmd

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  Classes of Cyril Ogana   PHP User Credentials   lib/Multiotp/webservice_install.cmd   Download  
File: lib/Multiotp/webservice_install.cmd
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP User Credentials
Implement password authentication policies
Author: By
Last change: Update to Multiotp 5.6+, PHPass 8+, PHP 7.3+ and PHPUnit 9+
Date: 4 years ago
Size: 8,844 bytes



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@ECHO OFF REM ************************************************************ REM @file webservice_install.cmd REM @brief Script to install the web service. REM REM multiOTP - Strong two-factor authentication PHP class package REM REM REM Windows batch file for Windows 2K/XP/2003/7/2008/8/2012/10 REM REM @author Andre Liechti, SysCo systemes de communication sa, <> REM @version REM @date 2019-10-23 REM @since 2013-08-09 REM @copyright (c) 2013-2019 SysCo systemes de communication sa REM @copyright GNU Lesser General Public License REM REM REM Description REM REM webservice_install is a small script that will install REM the web service of multiOTP under Windows using Nginx. REM ( REM REM REM Usage REM REM The script must be launched in the top folder of multiOTP. REM Default ports are 8112 and 8113 REM REM REM Licence REM REM Copyright (c) 2013-2019 SysCo systemes de communication sa REM SysCo (tm) is a trademark of SysCo systemes de communication sa REM ( REM All rights reserved. REM REM This file is part of the multiOTP project. REM REM REM Change Log REM REM 2017-05-29 SysCo/al Unified script with some bug fixes REM Alternate GUI file support REM 2017-01-10 SysCo/al The web server is now Nginx instead of Mongoose REM 2016-11-04 SysCo/al Unified file header REM 2016-10-16 SysCo/al Version synchronisation REM 2015-07-15 SysCo/al Version synchronisation REM 2014-02-24 4.2.1 SysCo/al Adding md5.js redirector REM 2013-08-26 4.0.7 SysCo/al Adding no web display parameter REM 2013-08-25 4.0.6 SysCo/al Service can also be set in the command line REM (webservice_install [http_port [https_port [service_tag [service_name]]]]) REM 2013-08-21 4.0.5 SysCo/al Ports can be set in the command line REM 2013-08-19 4.0.4 SysCo/al Initial release REM REM ************************************************************ @setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion REM Ports variables are not overwritten if already defined IF "%_web_port%"=="" SET _web_port=8112 IF "%_web_ssl_port%"=="" SET _web_ssl_port=8113 REM Define the service tag and the service name SET _service_tag=multiOTPservice SET _service_name=multiOTP Web Service REM Define the main file SET _web_multiotp=multiotp.server.php IF NOT "%_web_multiotp_alternate%"=="" SET _web_multiotp=%_web_multiotp_alternate% REM Define the check file SET _web_multiotp_class_check=check.multiotp.class.php IF NOT "%_web_multiotp_class_check_alternate%"=="" SET _web_multiotp_class_check=%_web_multiotp_class_check_alternate% REM Ports and service information can be overwritten if passing parameters IF NOT "%1"=="" SET _web_port=%1 IF NOT "%2"=="" SET _web_ssl_port=%2 IF NOT "%3"=="" SET _service_tag=%3 IF NOT "%4"=="" SET _service_name=%4 IF NOT "%5"=="" SET _service_name=%_service_name% %5 IF NOT "%6"=="" SET _service_name=%_service_name% %6 IF NOT "%7"=="" SET _service_name=%_service_name% %7 IF NOT "%8"=="" SET _service_name=%_service_name% %8 IF NOT "%9"=="" SET _service_name=%_service_name% %9 IF "%_service_tag%"=="multiOTPserverTest" SET _no_web_display=1 IF "%_service_tag%"=="multiOTPserverTest" GOTO NoWarning ECHO WARNING! Please run this script as an administrator, otherwise it will fail. PAUSE :NoWarning REM Define the current folder SET _folder=%~d0%~p0 SET _web_folder=%~d0%~p0 IF NOT EXIST %_web_folder%webservice SET _web_folder=%~d0%~p0..\ SET _root_folder=%_folder% if "!_root_folder:~-1!"=="\" ( set _root_folder=!_root_folder:~0,-1! ) REM Stop and delete the service (if already existing) SC stop %_service_tag% >NUL SC delete %_service_tag% >NUL SET _check_pattern= IF "multiOTPserverTest"=="%_service_tag%" SET _check_pattern=location /check { root %_root_folder%; try_files $uri $uri/ /%_web_multiotp_class_check%$is_args$args; } SET _check_pattern=location /check { root %_root_folder%; try_files $uri $uri/ /%_web_multiotp_class_check%$is_args$args; } SET _config_file="%_web_folder%webservice\conf\sites-enabled\multiotp.conf" IF NOT EXIST %_web_folder%webservice\conf MD %_web_folder%webservice\conf IF NOT EXIST %_web_folder%webservice\conf\sites-enabled MD %_web_folder%webservice\conf\sites-enabled ECHO server {> %_config_file% ECHO listen %_web_port%;>> %_config_file% ECHO listen %_web_ssl_port% ssl;>> %_config_file% ECHO server_name localhost;>> %_config_file% ECHO ssl_certificate ../certificates/certificate.crt;>> %_config_file% ECHO ssl_certificate_key ../certificates/certificate.key;>> %_config_file% ECHO # SSL v3 protocol removed due to the POODLE attack (CVE-2014-3566)>> %_config_file% ECHO ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;>> %_config_file% ECHO ssl_ciphers TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA:TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA:TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA:ECDH+AESGCM:DH+AESGCM:ECDH+AES256:DH+AES256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDH-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDH-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ALL:!RC4:HIGH:!IDEA:!MD5:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EDH:!SSLv2:!ADH:!EXPORT40:!EXP:!LOW:!ADH:!AECDH:!DSS:@STRENGTH;>> %_config_file% ECHO ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;>> %_config_file% ECHO.>> %_config_file% ECHO root %_root_folder%;>> %_config_file% ECHO index %_web_multiotp%;>> %_config_file% ECHO.>> %_config_file% ECHO gzip on;>> %_config_file% ECHO gzip_comp_level 4;>> %_config_file% ECHO gzip_disable msie6;>> %_config_file% ECHO gzip_min_length 1000;>> %_config_file% ECHO gzip_proxied any;>> %_config_file% ECHO gzip_static on;>> %_config_file% ECHO gzip_types application/xml application/x-javascript text/css text/plain;>> %_config_file% ECHO gzip_vary on;>> %_config_file% ECHO.>> %_config_file% ECHO sendfile on;>> %_config_file% ECHO tcp_nopush on;>> %_config_file% ECHO tcp_nodelay on;>> %_config_file% ECHO keepalive_timeout 65;>> %_config_file% ECHO types_hash_max_size 2048;>> %_config_file% ECHO.>> %_config_file% ECHO try_files $uri $uri/ /%_web_multiotp%;>> %_config_file% ECHO.>> %_config_file% IF NOT "%_check_pattern%"=="" ECHO %_check_pattern%>> %_config_file% IF NOT "%_check_pattern%"=="" ECHO.>> %_config_file% ECHO location ~* \.(appcache^|manifest)$ {>> %_config_file% ECHO expires -1;>> %_config_file% ECHO }>> %_config_file% ECHO.>> %_config_file% ECHO location ~ \.php$ {>> %_config_file% ECHO include fastcgi_params;>> %_config_file% ECHO try_files $uri /%_web_multiotp%;>> %_config_file% ECHO fastcgi_param HTTPS on;>> %_config_file% ECHO fastcgi_index %_web_multiotp%;>> %_config_file% ECHO fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;>> %_config_file% ECHO fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;>> %_config_file% ECHO fastcgi_pass;>> %_config_file% ECHO fastcgi_read_timeout 86400;>> %_config_file% ECHO }>> %_config_file% ECHO.>> %_config_file% ECHO location / {>> %_config_file% ECHO try_files $uri $uri/ /%_web_multiotp%;>> %_config_file% ECHO }>> %_config_file% ECHO }>> %_config_file% REM Create the service "%_web_folder%webservice\nssm" install "%_service_tag%" "%_web_folder%webservice\start-nginx-php.cmd" >NUL "%_web_folder%webservice\nssm" set "%_service_tag%" Description "Runs the %_service_name% on ports %_web_port%/%_web_ssl_port%." >NUL "%_web_folder%webservice\nssm" set "%_service_tag%" DisplayName "%_service_name%" >NUL REM Basic firewall rules for the service netsh firewall delete allowedprogram "%_web_folder%webservice\nginx.exe" >NUL netsh firewall add allowedprogram "%_web_folder%webservice\nginx.exe" "%_service_tag%" ENABLE >NUL REM Enhanced firewall rules for the service netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="%_service_tag%" >NUL netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="%_service_tag%" dir=in action=allow program="%_web_folder%webservice\nginx.exe" enable=yes >NUL REM Start the service SC start %_service_tag% >NUL REM Call the URL of the multiOTP web service IF NOT "%_no_web_display%"=="1" START REM Clean the environment variables SET _check_pattern= SET _config_file= SET _folder= SET _root_folder= SET _service_tag= SET _url_rewrite_patterns= SET _web_folder= SET _web_multiotp= SET _web_multiotp_alternate= SET _web_multiotp_class_check= SET _web_multiotp_class_check_alternate= SET _web_port= SET _web_ssl_port=