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File: class.calendar.phtml

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  Classes of Ricardo Costa   MySQL Connection   class.calendar.phtml   Download  
File: class.calendar.phtml
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Show calendar in the log to select a day
Class: MySQL Connection
Manage and Log a connection with MySQL Server
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 22 years ago
Size: 6,900 bytes


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// By Ricardo Costa - [email protected] - 2002
// Classe para exibição de calendário
// calendar
// +---- calendar()
// +---- show()

class calendar {

$content; // Conteudo HTML formatado
var $page; // Página para link
var $month_name; // Nome do mês
var $year_bgcolor = "CCCCCC"; // Cor de fundo do ano
var $month_bgcolor = "CCCCCC"; // Cor de fundo do mês
var $days_bgcolor = "8D9ABA"; // Cor de fundo dos dias da semana
var $day_color = "E9EBF1"; // Cor de fundo dos dias
var $day_today_color = "FF9999"; // Cor de fundo de hoje
var $font_color = "4C5B7D"; // Cor da fonte
var $bg_color = "E9EBF1"; // Cor de fundo
var $event_bgcolor = "FFCC99"; // Cor de fundo dos compromissos
var $events = ""; // Array de eventos

   # Inicializar variáveis ################################################################### Revisão 09/09/2002 #
function calendar() {

$this->page = $GLOBALS["PHP_SELF"];

      if (
$GLOBALS["nyear"]) $GLOBALS["year"] = $GLOBALS["nyear"]; else $GLOBALS["nyear"] = $GLOBALS["year"];
      if (
$GLOBALS["nmonth"]) $GLOBALS["month"] = $GLOBALS["nmonth"]; else $GLOBALS["nmonth"] = $GLOBALS["month"];
      if (
$GLOBALS["nday"]) $GLOBALS["day"] = $GLOBALS["nday"]; else $GLOBALS["nday"] = $GLOBALS["day"];

      if (
$GLOBALS["nmonth"] == 0) {
$GLOBALS["nyear"] --;
$GLOBALS["nmonth"] = 12;
      elseif (
$GLOBALS["nmonth"] == 13) {
$GLOBALS["nyear"] ++;
$GLOBALS["nmonth"] = 1;

$this->month_name = $GLOBALS["month_year"];
$this->month_name = $this->month_name[$GLOBALS["nmonth"]];
# Inicializar variáveis ################################################################### Revisão 09/09/2002 #

   # Exibir Calendário ####################################################################### Revisão 16/09/2002 #
function show($year = 1, $month = 1, $today = 1) {

$this->content = "<style type='text/css'>
                        .calendar_font { font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #"
.$this->font_color."; text-decoration: none}
                        .calendar_font:hover { font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #"
.$this->font_color."; text-decoration: underline}
                        <table width='140' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' class='calendar_font'>"

      if (
$year == 1) {
$this->content .= "<tr align='center'>
                           <td width='20' bgcolor='#"
.$this->year_bgcolor."' height='14'><b><a href='".$this->page."?nmonth=".$GLOBALS["nmonth"]."&nyear=".($GLOBALS["nyear"] - 1)."&nday=".$GLOBALS["nday"]."' class='calendar_font'>&#139;&#139;</a></b></td>
                           <td colspan='5' bgcolor='#"
.$this->year_bgcolor."' height='14'><b>".$GLOBALS["nyear"]."</b></td>
                           <td width='20' bgcolor='#"
.$this->year_bgcolor."' height='14'><b><a href='".$this->page."?nmonth=".$GLOBALS["nmonth"]."&nyear=".($GLOBALS["nyear"] + 1)."&nday=".$GLOBALS["nday"]."' class='calendar_font'>&#155;&#155;</a></b></td>
      if (
$month == 1) {
$this->content .= "<tr align='center'>
                           <td width='20' bgcolor='#"
.$this->month_bgcolor."' height='18'><b><a href='".$this->page."?nmonth=".($GLOBALS["nmonth"] - 1)."&nyear=".$GLOBALS["nyear"]."&nday=".$GLOBALS["nday"]."' class='calendar_font'>&#139;</a></b></td>
                           <td colspan='5' bgcolor='#"
.$this->month_bgcolor."' height='18'><b>".$this->month_name."</b></td>
                           <td width='20' bgcolor='#"
.$this->month_bgcolor."' height='18'><b><a href='".$this->page."?nmonth=".($GLOBALS["nmonth"] + 1)."&nyear=".$GLOBALS["nyear"]."&nday=".$GLOBALS["nday"]."' class='calendar_font'>&#155;</a></b></td>
                           <tr align='center'>
                           <td width='20' bgcolor='#000000' height='1'></td>
                           <td colspan='5' bgcolor='#000000' height='1'></td>
                           <td width='20' bgcolor='#000000' height='1'></td>

$this->content .= "<tr align='center' bgcolor='#".$this->days_bgcolor."'>
                         <td width='20' height='14'><b>D</b></td>
                         <td width='20' height='14'><b>S</b></td>
                         <td width='20' height='14'><b>T</b></td>
                         <td width='20' height='14'><b>Q</b></td>
                         <td width='20' height='14'><b>Q</b></td>
                         <td width='20' height='14'><b>S</b></td>
                         <td width='20' height='14'><b>S</b></td>

$cont_day = 1;
$l = 1; $l <= 6; $l++) {

$this->content .= "<tr>";

$c = 0; $c <= 6 ; $c++) {
$xday = date("w",mktime (0,0,0, $GLOBALS["nmonth"],$cont_day, $GLOBALS["nyear"]));
           if (
in_array($cont_day, $this->events) && $cont_day != $GLOBALS["nday"])
$bg = $this->event_bgcolor;
           else {
              if (
$cont_day != $GLOBALS["nday"])
$bg = $this->day_color;
$bg = $this->day_today_color;
            if (
checkdate($GLOBALS["nmonth"], $cont_day, $GLOBALS["nyear"]) & $xday == $c) {
$this->content .= "<td align='center' width='20' bgcolor='#".$bg."'><a href='".$this->page."?nmonth=".$GLOBALS["nmonth"]."&nyear=".$GLOBALS["nyear"]."&nday=".$cont_day."' class='calendar_font'>".$cont_day."</a></td>";
            else {
$this->content .= "<td align='center' width='20' bgcolor='#".$this->bg_color."'>&nbsp;</td>";
$this->content .= "</tr>";
         if (!
checkdate($GLOBALS["nmonth"], $cont_day, $GLOBALS["nyear"])) break;
      if (
$today == 1) {
$this->content .= "</table>
                           <table width='140' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' class='calendar_font'>
                           <tr><td align='center' bgcolor=#"
.$this->year_bgcolor."><b><a href='".$this->page."?nmonth=".date("n")."&nyear=".date("Y")."&nday=".date("d")."' class='calendar_font'>Hoje</a></b></td></tr>
                           <tr height='10'><td></td></tr></table>"
$this->content .= "</table>";
# Exibir Calendário ####################################################################### Revisão 16/09/2002 #

} # Final da Classe