DownloadSimple RESTful API implementation in PHP
A very simple implementation of RESTful API in PHP for managing Orders and Users pertaining to an Online Food Catering Service.
Error and exception handling are at their minimum.
Functionality provided by the REST API:
User related:
* fetch details for a particular user
* create a new user.
* update user details.
* delete an existing user
MySQL tables :
* users
CREATE TABLE `users` (
`user_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`user_fullname` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
`user_email` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`user_password` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`)
API Functions :
An API function can be invoked by passing the function name in url as parameter 'q'
e.g. http://localhost/api.php?q=functionName
insertUser() - Insert a new user in users table
Method : POST
Required Parameters -
'name' : User Name
'email' : User Email ID
'pwd' : Password
updateUser() - Update details of a user
Method : PUT
Required Parameters -
'id' : ID of the user to be updated
'name' : User Name
'email' : User Email ID
'pwd' : Password
deleteUser() - Delete user with specific ID
Method : DELETE
Required Parameters -
'id' : ID of the user to be deleted
userDetails() - Get details of a user with specific ID
Method : GET
Required Parameters -
'id' : ID of the user whose details are to be fetched