/* This example shows you how to validate billing and shipping information for fraud.
* This sample code use the free fraud checking
* service from http://www.fraudlabspro.com (the Micro Plan)
* Before running this code, you must
* - register an account in FraudLabsPro.com and have a valid API key
* Additional notes:
* - This sample included a version of PHP library for FraudLabsPro.class.php classes.
* Please visit the official site http://www.fraudlabspro.com for the latest version.
require ("FraudLabsPro.class.php");
// Create FraudLabs Pro object
// Note: Sign up for a free API key at http://www.fraudlabspro.com/sign-up
// if you do not have one
$flp = new FraudLabsPro("<fraudlabspro_api_key>");
// Get the order information entered
$flp->flpRequest->billingCity = "New York";
$flp->flpRequest->billingZIPCode = "00001";
$flp->flpRequest->billingState = "New York";
$flp->flpRequest->billingCountry = "US";
$flp->flpRequest->shippingAddress = "1-2-3 Street A";
$flp->flpRequest->shippingCity = "New York";
$flp->flpRequest->shippingZIPCode = "30002";
$flp->flpRequest->shippingState = "NY";
$flp->flpRequest->shippingCountry = "US";
$flp->flpRequest->amount = 123.00;
$flp->flpRequest->quantity = 2;
$flp->flpRequest->currency = 'USD';
$flp->flpRequest->paymentMode = 'creditcard';
//Perform fraud check
$result = $flp->fraudCheck();
//Display the result
if ($flp->flpResponse->isBillShipCountryMatch == "Y")
echo "Is Billing Country match the Shipping Country: Yes<br/>";
else if ($flp->flpResponse->isBillShipCountryMatch == "N")
echo "Is Billing Country match the Shipping Country: No<br/>";
if ($flp->flpResponse->isBillShipStateMatch == "Y")
echo "Is Billing State match the Shipping State: Yes<br/>";
else if ($flp->flpResponse->isBillShipStateMatch == "N")
echo "Is Billing State match the Shipping State: No<br/>";
if ($flp->flpResponse->isBillShipCityMatch == "Y")
echo "Is Billing City match the Shipping City: Yes<br/>";
else if ($flp->flpResponse->isBillShipCityMatch == "N")
echo "Is Billing City match the Shipping City: No<br/>";
if ($flp->flpResponse->isBillShipPostalMatch == "Y")
echo "Is Billing Postal match the Shipping Postal: Yes<br/>";
else if ($flp->flpResponse->isBillShipPostalMatch == "N")
echo "Is Billing Postal match the Shipping Postal: No<br/>";
if ($flp->flpResponse->isAddressShipForward == "Y")
echo "Is the address a Ship Forward or P.O.Box: Yes<br/>";
else if ($flp->flpResponse->isBillShipPostalMatch == "N")
echo "Is the address a Ship Forward or P.O.Box: No<br/>";
if ($flp->flpResponse->isHighRiskCountry == "Y")
echo "Is the billing country is a high risk country: Yes<br/>";
else if ($flp->flpResponse->isHighRiskCountry == "N")
echo "Is the billing country is a high risk country: No<br/>";