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* |:|__|__ /:/|:|__|__ /:/ /
* ____/::::\__\ /:/ |::::\__\ /:/__/ PHP Libraries copyright © BasicA 2001
* \::::/~~/~ \/__/~~/:/ / \:\ \ _____________________________
* ~~|:|~~| /:/ / \:\ \ basica@k-designs.com.sg
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* \|__| \/__/ \/__/
* _________________________________________________________________________________________
* Author : C-Kit Leong as "BasicA"
* Product: XML DBMS library for PHP
* SiteURL: http://staff.k-designs.com.sg/basica/
* Date : 03/02/2001 (DD/MM/YY)
* Standard XML format Supported
* -----------------------------
* <Database>
* <Record>
* <Field1></Field1>
* <Field2></Field2>
* <Field3></Field3>
* </Record>
* <Record>
* <Field1></Field1>
* <Field2></Field2>
* <Field3></Field3>
* </Record>
* <Record>
* <Field1></Field1>
* <Field2></Field2>
* <Field3></Field3>
* </Record>
* </Database>
* Function List:
* ______________
* Main functions
* ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
* function XML_DBarrayDump _
* ($XMLFile, _ -> ByVal: XML File Name
* &$dbaseCaption, _ -> ByRef: Name Of Database
* &$RecordCaption, _ -> ByRef: Name of records
* &$RecordCount, _ -> ByRef: Number of Records
* &$FieldCount, _ -> ByRef: Number of Fields
* &$FieldCaptions) -> ByRef: Array of Field Names
* Return Value: 2D Array Containing XML Elements in such a format
* Main Use : XML_DBarrayDump is the main XML parsing and reading
* function. Properties like number of records, number of
* fields, data.. are produced/returned by this very function.
* _________________________________________________________________________________
* function XML_DBgetData _
* ($XMLFile, _ -> ByVal: XML File Name
* $RecNum, _ -> ByVal: Record Number
* $FieldName) -> ByVal: Array of field names
* Return Value: Data in record of record number $RecNum
* Main Use : Just to get a data from a field in a record.
* _________________________________________________________________________________
* function XML_DBwriteFile
* ($XMLFile, _ -> ByVal: XML File Name
* $RecordArray, _ -> ByVal: Array of the fields forming the records
* $dbaseName, _ -> ByVal: Name of database
* $RecordName, _ -> ByVal: Record Name
* $FieldNameAry, _ -> ByVal: Array of field names
* $RecNum, _ -> ByVal: Record Number
* $FldNum) -> ByVal: Field Number
* Return Value: NULL
* Main Use : Obtain an Array of the data with the Record and dbase names
* re-write the XML database.
* _________________________________________________________________________________
* function XML_DBaddRecord _
* ($XMLFile, _ -> ByVal: XML File Name
* $DataArray, _ -> ByVal: Array of data of a single record
* $Mode, _ -> ByVal: Mode Of writing (Overwrite/Insert)
* $PosToAdd) -> ByVal: Where to add record (0 means EOF)
* (equivalent to record number)
* Return Value: NULL
* Main Use : For this function there are 3 ways of adding a record
* 1) Adding as per normal (to end of file)
* Call with PosToAdd 0 and Mode could be ignored with
* a "" input.
* 2) Overwriting a record at a certain position
* Call with PosToAdd at a selected position. And Mode
* "OVERWRITE" this would replace record number PosToAdd
* with the new record stored in DataArray
* 3) Inserting a record at a certain position
* Call with PosToADd at a selected position. And Mode
* "INSERT" this would add a record making the record
* number of the new record PosToAdd. Preceeding records
* will be pushed downwards.
* _________________________________________________________________________________
* function XML_DBdeleteRecord
* ($XMLFile, _ -> ByVal: XML File Name
* $RecNum) -> ByVal: Record Number
* Return Value: NULL
* Main Use : Delete a record with record number RecNum
* _________________________________________________________________________________
* _________________
* Support functions
* ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
* function XML_STACK
* ($action, _ -> ByVal: PUSH or POP
* $element, _ -> ByVal: Obj to push to stack
* &$buffer) -> ByRef: Buffer to pass the StackPointer to the
* calling function
* Return Value: NULL
* Main Use : Handling Stack operations required in XML parsing.
* NOTE : Stack pointer will not exceed 3 as hierarchy is only at
* most 3 levels down.
* Database
* |
* |-o Record
* |
* |-o Field
* Once it is 3 level down there will be a pop operation
* when the field closes. therefore stack pointer will be
* a max at 3. (after reading open tag of field.)
* _________________________________________________________________________________
function XML_STACK($action, $element, &$buffer) {
global $ptrSTACK;
global $STACK;
switch ($action) {
case "PUSH":
$ptrSTACK += 1;
$STACK[$ptrSTACK] = $element;
case "POP":
$ptrSTACK -= 1;
$buffer = $ptrSTACK;
//For debugging purposes.
//print $ptrSTACK . "$action<br>";
function XML_DBarrayDump($XMLFile, &$dbaseCaption, &$RecordCaption, &$RecordCount, &$FieldCount, &$FieldCaptions) {
$fp = file($XMLFile);
$rec = implode($fp, "");
$openTags = 0;
$closeTags = 0;
$Tagsets = 0;
$tmpFields = 0;
$cntFields = 0;
$ptrFields = 0;
$cntRec = 1;
$inReccord = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($rec); $i++) {
$extChar = substr($rec, $i, 1);
switch ($extChar) {
case "<":
$openTags += 1;
$startTag = $i;
//Actually using the stack could return the number of fields much more easily but since done earlier in a sillier method just leave it...
//ptrSTACK == 3 means that the file pointer is currently pointing to the < of the close tag of a field as in its open tag the push adds it to 3
//once ptrSTACK reaches 1 then a record is finished therefore reset field pointer
//<field>data here</field>
if ($buffer == 3) {
$FieldArray[$ptrFields] = $Tagcaption;
$DataArray[$cntRec - 1][$ptrFields] = trim(substr($rec, $endTag + 1, $startTag - $endTag - 1));
//print $endTag . "<br>";
//print $startTag;
//print $DataArray[$cntRec - 1][$ptrFields];
$ptrFields += 1;
if ($buffer == 1) $ptrFields = 0;
case ">":
$closeTags += 1;
$Tagsets += 1;
$endTag = $i;
/* The preceeding code...
* Tagsets = 1,2... Meaning the tags are the database tag
* and the record tag respectively
* This returns the caption of the dbase and rec in the
* XML DB to the variables passed by ref.
$start = $startTag + 1;
$end = $endTag - $startTag - 1;
switch ($Tagsets) {
case 0: break;
case 1:
$dbaseCaption = substr($rec, $start, $end);
XML_STACK("PUSH", $dbaseCaption, $buffer);
case 2:
$RecordCaption = substr($rec, $start, $end);
XML_STACK("PUSH", $RecordCaption, $buffer);
default: // > 2
$Tagcaption = substr($rec, $start, $end);
$bool1 = (trim($Tagcaption) == trim($RecordCaption));
$bool2 = (trim($Tagcaption) == trim($dbaseCaption));
$bool3 = (trim($Tagcaption) == trim("/$RecordCaption"));
$bool4 = (trim($Tagcaption) == trim("/$dbaseCaption"));
$isCloseTag = (substr($Tagcaption, 0, 1) == "/");
//This one for debugging purposes.
//print "<b>$Tagcaption</b>";
if (!($isCloseTag)) XML_STACK("PUSH", $Tagcaption, $buffer);
if ($isCloseTag) XML_STACK("POP", "", $buffer);
* 1st if: if the current tag is not record or dbase open/close tags then can add to the temp number of fields
* 2nd if: if pointer reaches a new record and the actual number of fields is still unset (ie = 0) then have it set tp the temp number of fields.
* 3rd if: if current tag is a record tag then add to the record counter.
if ((!(($bool1) || ($bool2) || ($bool3) || ($bool4))) && (!($isCloseTag))) $tmpFields += 1;
if (($bool1) && ($cntFields == 0)) $cntFields = $tmpFields;
if ($bool1) $cntRec += 1;
//for debugging purposes.
//print $tmpFields;
//print $DataArray[3][2];
//print $FieldArray[0];
//print $FieldArray[1];
//print $FieldArray[2];
//print $FieldArray[3];
//print "<br><br>";
//Return the values
$RecordCount = $cntRec;
$FieldCount = $cntFields;
$FieldCaptions = $FieldArray;
return $DataArray;
function XML_DBgetData($XMLFile, $RecNum, $FieldName) {
//for this records start from 1 not 0
$fieldexists = false;
$XMLArray = XML_DBarrayDump($XMLFile, $DB, $REC, $cntREC, $cntFLD, $FLD);
$RecNum -= 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $cntFLD; $i++) {
if (trim($FieldName) == trim($FLD[$i])) {
$ptr = $i;
$fieldexists = true;
//field must be there
//record number must not exceed
//record number must not be lesser than 1.
if (!($fieldexists)) return "";
if ($RecNum > $cntREC) return "";
if ($RecNum <= -1) return "";
return $XMLArray[$RecNum][$ptr];
function XML_DBwriteFile($XMLFile, $RecordArray, $dbaseName, $RecordName, $FieldNameAry, $RecNum, $FldNum) {
* Write the database back to the XML File with the updated array passed from
* the XML_DBaddRecord Function.
$XMLString = "<$dbaseName>" . chr(13) . chr(10) . chr(13) . chr(10);
//loop to write the records and the fields.
for ($rec = 0; $rec < $RecNum; $rec++) {
$XMLString .= " <$RecordName>" . chr(13) . chr(10);
for ($fld = 0; $fld < $FldNum; $fld++) {
$XMLString .= " <$FieldNameAry[$fld]>" . $RecordArray[$rec][$fld] . "</$FieldNameAry[$fld]>" . chr(13) . chr(10);
$XMLString .= " </$RecordName>" . chr(13) . chr(10) . chr(13) . chr(10);
$XMLString .= "</$dbaseName>";
$fp = fopen($XMLFile, "w");
fwrite($fp, $XMLString);
function XML_DBaddRecord($XMLFile, $DataArray, $Mode, $PosToAdd) {
* PosToAdd: 0 -> default value and this will have the record added to the eof
* : [NUM] -> indicates the record number of this new record after add thus determining its final location
$XMLArray = XML_DBarrayDump($XMLFile, $DB, $REC, $cntREC, $cntFLD, $FLD);
if ($PosToAdd == 0) { //Meaning add to the end of the file.
//End of file therefore just require 1 more element to the array.
for ($i = 0; $i < $cntFLD; $i++) {
$XMLArray[$cntREC][$i] = $DataArray[$i];
//print $XMLArray[4][1];
XML_DBwriteFile($XMLFile, $XMLArray, $DB, $REC, $FLD, $cntREC + 1, $cntFLD);
return true;
switch ($Mode) {
* if user propose to OVERWRITE @ pos 3 means that Record 3 would
* be overwritten with the new record. Record 3 is Record[2][?]
* as the array starts from 0 therefore 1 must be deducted.
//Cannot exceed the last record.
if ($PosToAdd > $cntREC) return false;
$PosToAdd -= 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $cntFLD; $i++) {
$XMLArray[$PosToAdd][$i] = $DataArray[$i];
XML_DBwriteFile($XMLFile, $XMLArray, $DB, $REC, $FLD, $cntREC, $cntFLD);
case "INSERT":
* if user propose to INSEERT @ pos 3 means that Record 3 would
* be pushed to record 4 and all following records would be pushed downwards
* with the new record at record 3. Record 3 is Record[2][?]
* as the array starts from 0 therefore 1 must be deducted.
//Cannot exceed the last record.
if ($PosToAdd > $cntREC) return false;
$PosToAdd -= 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $cntREC + 1; $i++) {
//Before the record where the new record is to be
//added copy the array as per normal
//When reach then copy the required item and when passed
//copy 1 item before as the pointer is at the next item
//and since for loop conditions has accomodated for 1
//more would not affect.
if ($i < $PosToAdd) $NewArray[$i] = $XMLArray[$i];
if ($i == $PosToAdd) $NewArray[$i] = $DataArray;
if ($i > $PosToAdd) $NewArray[$i] = $XMLArray[$i - 1];
XML_DBwriteFile($XMLFile, $NewArray, $DB, $REC, $FLD, $cntREC + 1, $cntFLD);
function XML_DBdeleteRecord($XMLFile, $RecNum) {
$XMLArray = XML_DBarrayDump($XMLFile, $DB, $REC, $cntREC, $cntFLD, $FLD);
* if user propose to DELETE record 3 means that Record 4 would
* be pushed to record 3 and all following records would be pushed upwards
* Record 3 is Record[2][?] as the array starts from 0 therefore 1 must be
* deducted.
//Cannot exceed the last record.
if ($RecNum > $cntREC) return false;
$RecNum -= 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $cntREC - 1; $i++) {
//to Delete the record simply not include it.
//there fore when record pointer is there take the next record and so on
if ($i < $RecNum) $NewArray[$i] = $XMLArray[$i];
if ($i >= $RecNum) $NewArray[$i] = $XMLArray[$i + 1];
XML_DBwriteFile($XMLFile, $NewArray, $DB, $REC, $FLD, $cntREC - 1, $cntFLD);
function XML_DBSearch($XMLFile, $FieldName, $SearchTerm) {
$XMLArray = XML_DBarrayDump($XMLFile, $DB, $REC, $cntREC, $cntFLD, $FLD);
// return X means field not found
// return N means unable to locate search term in records
// return integer means that search term has been found and number is record number
$foundfield = false;
for ($flds = 0; $flds < $cntFLD; $flds++) {
if (trim($FieldName) == trim($FLD[$flds])) {
$TFieldIndex = $flds;
$foundfield = true;
if ($foundfield) {
$foundrecord = false;
$SearchTerm = trim(strtoupper($SearchTerm));
for ($i = 0; $i < $cntREC; $i++) {
if (trim(strtoupper($XMLArray[$i][$TFieldIndex])) == $SearchTerm) {
$TRecordIndex = $i;
$foundrecord = true;
if ($foundrecord) {
return $TRecordIndex + 1; //Add 1 as only in PHP array elements start at 0 cannot have record 0
} else {
return "N";
} else {
return "X";