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File: specs/Spec/MediatorSpec.php

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  Classes of Michael Cummings   PHP Event Mediator   specs/Spec/MediatorSpec.php   Download  
File: specs/Spec/MediatorSpec.php
Role: Unit test script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Unit test script
Class: PHP Event Mediator
Emit and listen to events using a mediator object
Author: By
Last change: Added global NS to build-in functions and constants using PHP BackSlasher for possible performance gain. See and for details.
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 17,644 bytes



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<?php declare(strict_types = 1); /** * Contains PhpSpec MediatorSpec class. * * PHP version 7.0 * * LICENSE: * This file is part of Event Mediator - A general event mediator (dispatcher) * which has minimal dependencies so it is easy to drop in and use. * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Michael Cummings * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, you may write to * * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * or find a electronic copy at * <>. * * You should also be able to find a copy of this license in the included * LICENSE file. * * @author Michael Cummings <> * @copyright 2015-2016 Michael Cummings * @license GPL-2.0 */ namespace Spec\EventMediator; use EventMediator\Event; use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior; use Prophecy\Argument; /** * Class MediatorSpec * * @mixin \EventMediator\Mediator * * @method void shouldImplement($interface) * @method void shouldHaveListeners() * @method void shouldNotHaveListeners() * @method void shouldReturn($result) * @method void willReturn($result) */ class MediatorSpec extends ObjectBehavior { public function it_is_initializable() { $this->shouldHaveType('\\EventMediator\\Mediator'); $this->shouldImplement('\\EventMediator\\MediatorInterface'); } public function it_provides_fluent_interface_from_add_listener(MockListener $listener) { $this->addListener('test', [$listener, 'method1']) ->shouldReturn($this); } public function it_provides_fluent_interface_from_add_subscriber(MockSubscriber $sub) { $events = [ 'test1' => [ [ [ $sub, 'method1' ] ] ] ]; $sub->getSubscribedEvents() ->willReturn($events); $this->addSubscriber($sub) ->shouldReturn($this); } public function it_provides_fluent_interface_from_remove_listener(MockListener $listener) { $this->removeListener('test', [$listener, 'method1']) ->shouldReturn($this); } public function it_provides_fluent_interface_from_remove_subscriber(MockSubscriber $sub) { $events = [ 'test1' => [ [ [ $sub, 'method1' ] ] ] ]; $sub->getSubscribedEvents() ->willReturn($events); $this->addSubscriber($sub); $this->removeSubscriber($sub) ->shouldReturn($this); } public function it_returns_empty_array_before_any_listeners_added() { $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveCount(0); } public function it_returns_empty_array_when_event_has_no_listeners(MockListener $listener) { $this->addListener('test2', [$listener, 'method1']) ->getListeners('test1') ->shouldHaveCount(0); } public function it_returns_multiple_listener_events_after_adding_multiple_event_subscriber(MockSubscriber $sub) { $events = [ 'test1' => [ [ [ $sub, 'method1' ] ] ], 'test2' => [ 'last' => [ [ $sub, 'method1' ] ] ] ]; $sub->getSubscribedEvents() ->willReturn($events); $this->addSubscriber($sub); $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveCount(2); $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveKey('test1'); $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveKey('test2'); } public function it_returns_true_when_event_not_given_but_listeners_exist(MockListener $listener) { $this->shouldNotHaveListeners(); $listeners = [ ['event1', $listener, 'method1', 'first'], ['event2', $listener, 'method1', 0], ['event2', $listener, 'method1', 'last'] ]; foreach ($listeners as $aListener) { list($event, $object, $method, $priority) = $aListener; $this->addListener($event, [$object, $method], $priority); } $this->shouldHaveListeners(); } /** * Issue #1 - Mediator calls listeners in wrong order. * * @param MockListener $listener * @param Event $event * * @throws \DomainException * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function it_should_call_listeners_for_their_events_in_correct_priority_order_when_event_is_triggered( MockListener $listener, Event $event ) { $event->hasBeenHandled() ->willReturn(\false); $this->addListener('test1', [$listener, 'method1']); $this->addListener('test1', [$listener, 'method2']); $this->addListener('test1', [$listener, 'method1'], 'first'); $this->addListener('test1', [$listener, 'method1'], 'last'); $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveKey('test1'); $listener->method1($event, 'test1', $this) ->shouldBeCalled(); $listener->method1($event, 'test1', $this) ->willReturn($event); $listener->method2($event, 'test1', $this) ->shouldBeCalled(); $listener->method2($event, 'test1', $this) ->willReturn($event); $this->trigger('test1', $event); $expected = [ 1 => [[$listener, 'method1']], 0 => [[$listener, 'method1'], [$listener, 'method2']], -1 => [[$listener, 'method1']] ]; $this->getListeners('test1') ->shouldReturn($expected); } /** * @param MockListener $listener * @param Event $event * * @throws \DomainException * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function it_should_call_listeners_for_their_events_when_event_is_triggered( MockListener $listener, Event $event ) { $event->hasBeenHandled() ->willReturn(\false); $listener->method1($event, 'test1', $this) ->willReturn($event); $this->addListener('test1', [$listener, 'method1']); $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveKey('test1'); $listener->method1($event, 'test1', $this) ->shouldBeCalled(); $this->trigger('test1', $event); } public function it_should_get_the_same_event_back_from_trigger_if_there_are_no_listeners() { $event = new Event(); $this->trigger('test', $event) ->shouldReturn($event); } public function it_should_have_less_listeners_if_one_is_removed(MockListener $listener) { $listeners = [ ['event1', $listener, 'method1', 0], ['event1', $listener, 'method1', 'first'], ['event2', $listener, 'method1', 0] ]; foreach ($listeners as $aListener) { list($event, $object, $method, $priority) = $aListener; $this->addListener($event, [$object, $method], $priority); } $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveCount(2); $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveKey('event1'); $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveKey('event2'); $this->getListeners('event1') ->shouldHaveCount(2); $this->removeListener('event1', [$listener, 'method1']); $this->getListeners('event1') ->shouldHaveCount(1); $this->removeListener('event1', [$listener, 'method1'], 'first'); $this->getListeners('event1') ->shouldHaveCount(0); $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveCount(1); } /** * @param MockSubscriber $sub * * @throws \DomainException * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @throws \LengthException */ public function it_should_have_listener_after_adding_subscriber(MockSubscriber $sub) { $events = [ 'test1' => [ [ [ $sub, 'method1' ], [ $sub, 'method2' ] ] ] ]; $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveCount(0); $sub->getSubscribedEvents() ->willReturn($events); $this->addSubscriber($sub); $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveCount(1); $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveKey('test1'); } /** * @param MockSubscriber $sub * * @throws \DomainException * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @throws \LengthException */ public function it_should_have_no_listeners_if_only_subscriber_is_removed(MockSubscriber $sub) { $events = [ 'test1' => [ 1 => [ [ $sub, 'method1' ] ] ], 'test2' => [ 'last' => [ [ $sub, 'method1' ] ], [ [ $sub, 'method2' ] ] ], 'test3' => [ 1 => [ [ $sub, 'method1' ] ] ] ]; $sub->getSubscribedEvents() ->willReturn($events); $this->addSubscriber($sub); $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveCount(3); $this->removeSubscriber($sub); $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveCount(0); } public function it_should_ignore_duplicate_listeners_for_the_same_event_and_priority(MockListener $listener) { $this->addListener('event', [$listener, 'method1']); $this->addListener('event', [$listener, 'method1']); $this->getListeners('event') ->shouldHaveCount(1); } /** * @param MockListener $listener1 * @param MockListener $listener2 * @param Event $event * * @throws \DomainException * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function it_should_only_call_listeners_for_current_events_when_event_triggers( MockListener $listener1, MockListener $listener2, Event $event ) { $this->addListener('test1', [$listener1, 'method1']); $this->addListener('test2', [$listener2, 'method2']); $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveKey('test1'); $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveKey('test2'); $event->hasBeenHandled() ->willReturn(\true); /** @noinspection PhpStrictTypeCheckingInspection */ $listener2->method2(Argument::type('\EventMediator\EventInterface'), Argument::is('test2'), $this) ->shouldBeCalled(); /** @noinspection PhpStrictTypeCheckingInspection */ $listener1->method1(Argument::type('\EventMediator\EventInterface'), Argument::any(), Argument::type('\EventMediator\MediatorInterface')) ->shouldNotBeCalled(); $this->trigger('test2', $event); } /** * Issue #2 - Higher priority handles don't stop lower priority listeners from seeing event. * * @param MockListener $listener * @param Event $event * * @throws \DomainException * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function it_should_only_call_listeners_for_event_until_one_of_them_handles_the_event( MockListener $listener, Event $event ) { $event->hasBeenHandled() ->willReturn(\true) ->shouldBeCalled(); $listener->method2($event, 'test1', $this) ->willReturn($event); $this->addListener('test1', [$listener, 'method2']); $this->addListener('test1', [$listener, 'method1'], 'last'); $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveKey('test1'); $expected = [0 => [[$listener, 'method2']], -1 => [[$listener, 'method1']]]; $this->getListeners('test1') ->shouldReturn($expected); $listener->method2($event, 'test1', $this) ->shouldBeCalled(); $listener->method1($event, 'test1', $this) ->shouldNotBeCalled(); $this->trigger('test1', $event); } public function it_should_return_all_listeners_if_event_name_is_empty(MockListener $listener) { $listeners = [ ['event1', $listener, 'method1', 'first'], ['event2', $listener, 'method1', 0], ['event2', $listener, 'method1', 'first'] ]; foreach ($listeners as $aListener) { list($event, $object, $method, $priority) = $aListener; $this->addListener($event, [$object, $method], $priority); } $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveCount(2); $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveKey('event1'); $this->getListeners() ->shouldHaveKey('event2'); } public function it_should_return_only_listeners_for_the_event_requested(MockListener $listener) { $listeners = [ ['event1', $listener, 'method1', 'first'], ['event2', $listener, 'method1', 0], ['event2', $listener, 'method1', 'last'] ]; foreach ($listeners as $aListener) { list($event, $object, $method, $priority) = $aListener; $this->addListener($event, [$object, $method], $priority); } $this->getListeners('event1') ->shouldHaveCount(1); $this->getListeners('event1') ->shouldHaveKey(1); $this->getListeners('event2') ->shouldHaveCount(2); $this->getListeners('event2') ->shouldHaveKey(0); $this->getListeners('event2') ->shouldHaveKey(-1); } public function it_still_returns_an_event_from_trigger_even_if_none_given() { $this->trigger('test', \null) ->shouldReturnAnInstanceOf('EventMediator\EventInterface'); } public function it_throws_exception_for_empty_event_name_when_adding_listener(MockListener $listener) { $mess = 'Event name can NOT be empty'; $this->shouldThrow(new \DomainException($mess)) ->during('addListener', ['', [$listener, 'method1']]); } public function it_throws_exception_for_empty_event_name_when_removing_listener(MockListener $listener) { $mess = 'Event name can NOT be empty'; $this->shouldThrow(new \DomainException($mess)) ->during('removeListener', ['', [$listener, 'method1']]); } public function it_throws_exception_for_empty_event_name_when_triggered() { $mess = 'Event name can NOT be empty'; $this->shouldThrow(new \DomainException($mess)) ->during('trigger', ['']); } public function it_throws_exception_for_invalid_event_name_when_adding_listener(MockListener $listener) { $mess = 'Using any non-printable characters in the event name is NOT allowed'; $this->shouldThrow(new \DomainException($mess)) ->during('addListener', ["\001", [$listener, 'method1']]); } public function it_throws_exception_for_missing_listeners_when_add_listeners_by_event_list() { $events = [ 'test1' => [0] ]; $mess = 'Must have at least one listener per listed priority'; $this->shouldThrow(new \LengthException($mess)) ->during('addListenersByEventList', [$events]); $events = [ 'test1' => [0 => []] ]; $mess = 'Must have at least one listener per listed priority'; $this->shouldThrow(new \LengthException($mess)) ->during('addListenersByEventList', [$events]); } public function it_throws_exception_for_missing_priorities_when_add_listeners_by_event_list() { $events = [ 'test1' ]; $mess = 'Must have as least one priority per listed event'; $this->shouldThrow(new \LengthException($mess)) ->during('addListenersByEventList', [$events]); $events = [ 'test1' => [] ]; $mess = 'Must have as least one priority per listed event'; $this->shouldThrow(new \LengthException($mess)) ->during('addListenersByEventList', [$events]); } }