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File: customer.sql

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  Classes of Cesar Alpendre   Print Line Table   customer.sql   Download  
File: customer.sql
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: SQLDDL to create and load the tables
Class: Print Line Table
Generate an HTML table report from array of data
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 23,310 bytes



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# MySQL-Front 3.0 # Host: localhost Database: customer # ------------------------------------------------------ # Server version 4.0.16-nt CREATE DATABASE `customer`; USE `customer` # # Table structure for table customer # CREATE TABLE `customer` ( `customer_number` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `customer_name` varchar(40) default NULL, `customer_create_date` date default '0000-00-00', `customer_company_name` varchar(20) default NULL, `customer_support_contract_number` int(11) default NULL, `customer_area_code` varchar(5) default NULL, `customer_phone_number` varchar(20) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`customer_number`) ) TYPE=MyISAM; # # Dumping data for table customer # INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (1,'Jasíria Lipi Petroski','1998-02-10','Microsoft',7049,'19','4436132'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (2,'Sueli Batista Jesus','2003-01-06','ABC Inc',5177,'19','13744919'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (3,'Rodrigo Henrique Lima','2001-04-03','Computer Associates',8925,'14','18423914'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (4,'Fernando Ribeirode Pavetto','1998-03-12','Global TV',8122,'29','24100715'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (5,'José Roberto Amorin','2001-06-24','USA Enterprise',5718,'14','28750097'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (6,'Marli Vieira Pavetto','2002-09-28','Computer Associates',4240,'21','10622661'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (7,'Milze Inácio Buiar','2003-05-18','USA Enterprise',3043,'16','25038664'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (8,'Janete Lipi Works','1999-03-10','Microsoft',7834,'36','22417290'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (9,'Marcos Andrade Guebur','2004-05-12','Ford SA',1269,'29','11927232'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (10,'Fernando Henrique Menegusso','2004-03-09','IBM',6611,'42','21138475'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (11,'Jasíria Vejam Nikievicz','1998-09-26','IBM',6305,'44','2411621'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (12,'Willian Ramos Cardoso','2001-10-21','European Incorporeat',6041,'18','7803133'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (13,'Marcos Gonçalves Cordeiro Ferreira','2000-11-23','Global TV',4940,'37','11871368'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (14,'Samanta Andrades Nikievicz','1998-11-30','Global TV',1518,'46','25097347'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (15,'Miguel Andrades Cordova','2003-01-14','IBM',9318,'12','13686629'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (16,'Cesar Edson Erthal','2000-05-24','European Incorporeat',5021,'41','2544330'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (17,'Loury Petroski Pozza','2004-05-22','Ford SA',4211,'41','9299629'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (18,'Araci Westphal Ulths','2002-05-19','Computer Associates',3857,'29','8789164'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (19,'Edeltraud Batista Perón','1999-09-01','Computer Associates',8028,'23','27535541'); INSERT INTO `customer` VALUES (20,'Janete Yves Coelho','2003-01-27','European Incorporeat',7163,'43','22384301'); # # Table structure for table problem # CREATE TABLE `problem` ( `problem_number` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `problem_open_datetime` datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `problem_description` varchar(255) default '', `problem_status` enum('Open','Ongoing','Closed') default NULL, `problem_severity` enum('Low','Medium','High') default NULL, `problem_actions_taken` varchar(255) default '', `customer_number` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`problem_number`) ) TYPE=ISAM; # # Dumping data for table problem # INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (1,'1999-12-22 02:01:45','The customer does not what to do','Open','Low','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (2,'1998-04-05 09:42:24','The customer does not what to do','Open','Low','The software configuration was wrong',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (3,'2002-02-26 22:09:29','The customer does not what to do','Open','High','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (4,'2001-03-18 13:47:11','The software doesnt work','Ongoing','Medium','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (5,'2002-05-24 20:27:18','Some times the software does not work','Ongoing','Low','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (6,'2001-10-20 16:29:27','Problem with the software','Open','Medium','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (7,'2003-09-16 08:05:07','Abnormal abend','Closed','Medium','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (8,'2002-07-14 08:32:58','Abnormal abend','Ongoing','Low','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (9,'2002-03-24 08:52:04','The customer does not what to do','Closed','Medium','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (10,'2000-03-27 04:58:43','The customer does not what to do','Open','Low','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (11,'2001-02-01 15:52:53','Problem with the software','Closed','Low','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (12,'2000-08-31 21:52:38','Some times the software does not work','Closed','High','The software configuration was wrong',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (13,'2000-09-18 23:10:53','The software doesnt work','Closed','Low','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (14,'1999-12-22 05:13:54','The software doesnt work','Closed','High','The problem was sent to the support',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (15,'2003-07-24 22:09:32','Problem with the software','Open','High','The problem was sent to the support',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (16,'2004-12-14 06:55:12','The software doesnt work','Open','High','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (17,'2000-12-24 15:40:16','Some times the software does not work','Ongoing','High','The software configuration was wrong',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (18,'2000-07-16 00:32:50','Problem with the software','Ongoing','Low','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (19,'2004-02-10 07:40:34','The software doesnt work','Ongoing','Medium','The problem was sent to the support',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (20,'2003-04-03 20:14:35','The software doesnt work','Ongoing','Low','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (21,'2002-07-19 01:32:10','Problem with the software','Ongoing','High','The problem was sent to the support',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (22,'1999-11-26 15:17:11','The customer does not what to do','Open','Low','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (23,'2003-12-21 05:07:42','Some times the software does not work','Closed','High','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (24,'2000-05-13 18:23:43','Some times the software does not work','Open','Medium','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (25,'2004-04-27 01:42:10','Some times the software does not work','Closed','High','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (26,'2001-10-08 14:25:35','Problem with the software','Closed','Low','The software configuration was wrong',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (27,'2003-12-16 03:02:59','The customer does not what to do','Open','Medium','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (28,'2004-11-06 21:07:06','The customer does not what to do','Open','Medium','The software configuration was wrong',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (29,'2003-12-07 10:20:42','Problem with the software','Ongoing','Medium','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (30,'2000-10-10 15:44:58','The software doesnt work','Open','Low','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (31,'2004-09-15 12:04:13','Abnormal abend','Closed','Medium','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (32,'2002-07-25 18:41:51','Problem with the software','Closed','High','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (33,'1999-09-23 15:40:43','The software doesnt work','Closed','Medium','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (34,'2004-03-30 04:15:32','Abnormal abend','Closed','High','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (35,'2001-07-10 00:01:18','Abnormal abend','Open','High','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (36,'1999-07-20 11:30:09','Some times the software does not work','Open','Medium','The problem was sent to the support',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (37,'2001-04-20 01:29:47','Problem with the software','Open','Low','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (38,'2003-04-27 21:34:05','Some times the software does not work','Ongoing','Low','The problem was sent to the support',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (39,'2000-10-28 14:11:39','Abnormal abend','Ongoing','High','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (40,'2004-02-23 07:16:17','Abnormal abend','Open','High','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (41,'2004-03-27 05:50:10','Abnormal abend','Closed','High','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (42,'2004-09-18 01:20:50','The customer does not what to do','Open','High','The problem was sent to the support',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (43,'1999-09-21 22:12:02','Abnormal abend','Ongoing','Low','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (44,'2000-04-06 21:53:55','The software doesnt work','Open','Low','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (45,'1999-05-16 05:13:15','Problem with the software','Ongoing','Low','The problem was sent to the support',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (46,'2003-03-18 11:33:32','Problem with the software','Open','Medium','The software configuration was wrong',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (47,'1998-06-12 01:17:29','The customer does not what to do','Ongoing','High','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (48,'2000-10-20 04:00:09','The software doesnt work','Closed','Low','The problem was sent to the support',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (49,'2002-12-02 08:30:51','Abnormal abend','Open','Medium','The software configuration was wrong',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (50,'1999-07-11 21:37:28','Problem with the software','Closed','Medium','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (51,'2001-08-14 16:48:23','Problem with the software','Ongoing','Low','The software configuration was wrong',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (52,'2001-07-10 18:43:37','Some times the software does not work','Ongoing','Low','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (53,'2000-03-12 09:52:46','The customer does not what to do','Open','High','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (54,'2001-01-09 16:50:31','The software doesnt work','Closed','High','The problem was sent to the support',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (55,'2000-12-02 23:06:10','The customer does not what to do','Open','Low','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (56,'2001-02-28 02:08:13','The customer does not what to do','Ongoing','Medium','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (57,'2003-09-12 10:47:43','Problem with the software','Ongoing','Low','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (58,'1999-01-06 07:50:40','The software doesnt work','Open','High','The problem was sent to the support',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (59,'2000-07-06 20:56:21','Problem with the software','Closed','High','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (60,'1999-04-30 07:45:22','The customer does not what to do','Closed','High','The software configuration was wrong',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (61,'2000-10-06 06:24:59','The customer does not what to do','Closed','Low','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (62,'2002-09-07 17:13:52','Problem with the software','Ongoing','High','The software configuration was wrong',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (63,'2000-10-05 19:32:52','The customer does not what to do','Ongoing','Low','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (64,'1998-06-22 08:09:11','The customer does not what to do','Open','High','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (65,'2003-02-06 11:36:22','Some times the software does not work','Ongoing','High','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (66,'2001-08-28 23:31:16','The customer does not what to do','Ongoing','Low','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (67,'2002-09-04 23:57:26','The software doesnt work','Closed','High','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (68,'1998-02-14 08:31:52','The customer does not what to do','Open','Medium','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (69,'2003-12-19 08:21:14','Abnormal abend','Closed','Low','The problem was sent to the support',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (70,'1998-07-10 06:14:35','Abnormal abend','Ongoing','Low','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (71,'2001-03-15 17:03:31','Problem with the software','Open','Medium','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (72,'2002-05-14 01:28:58','The customer does not what to do','Closed','Medium','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (73,'1998-04-22 11:49:19','Abnormal abend','Closed','High','The problem was sent to the support',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (74,'2003-10-23 15:29:32','Abnormal abend','Ongoing','High','The software configuration was wrong',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (75,'2000-04-14 14:29:43','Problem with the software','Open','High','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (76,'2000-03-01 07:24:06','Problem with the software','Open','Medium','The software configuration was wrong',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (77,'2004-09-15 20:08:44','The customer does not what to do','Closed','Low','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (78,'2003-02-13 00:16:43','Problem with the software','Closed','Medium','The software configuration was wrong',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (79,'1999-06-24 12:35:13','The customer does not what to do','Ongoing','High','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (80,'2003-08-23 17:00:30','Some times the software does not work','Ongoing','Low','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (81,'1998-02-18 15:05:05','The software doesnt work','Closed','Low','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (82,'1999-10-02 07:27:19','The software doesnt work','Ongoing','High','The software configuration was wrong',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (83,'2002-06-12 07:25:07','Some times the software does not work','Ongoing','Low','The software configuration was wrong',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (84,'2000-11-03 19:29:39','The customer does not what to do','Ongoing','High','The problem was sent to the support',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (85,'2004-06-01 00:30:02','The customer does not what to do','Open','Medium','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (86,'2001-08-08 18:28:05','The software doesnt work','Closed','Low','The software configuration was wrong',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (87,'2004-10-11 04:28:43','Problem with the software','Ongoing','High','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (88,'2003-08-02 12:03:49','Abnormal abend','Open','Medium','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (89,'1999-06-14 21:47:34','Abnormal abend','Open','High','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (90,'1998-10-29 00:14:57','Problem with the software','Open','Medium','The problem was sent to the support',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (91,'2000-05-29 06:00:49','Some times the software does not work','Closed','Medium','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (92,'2004-03-29 10:28:39','The customer does not what to do','Ongoing','High','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (93,'2002-06-17 07:46:26','The software doesnt work','Open','Medium','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (94,'2000-07-23 00:34:47','Problem with the software','Open','Low','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (95,'2002-07-02 08:10:52','Problem with the software','Open','Medium','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (96,'2002-04-22 07:18:27','The software doesnt work','Open','High','See the manual guide',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (97,'2002-10-23 04:26:52','Abnormal abend','Ongoing','High','We dont know what to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (98,'2002-12-10 23:56:46','Problem with the software','Ongoing','Low','Nothing to do',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (99,'2000-06-26 01:47:14','Some times the software does not work','Ongoing','Medium','The problem was sent to the support',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (100,'1999-08-12 15:11:10','Abnormal abend','Ongoing','High','The problem was sent to the support',0); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (101,'2003-12-16 03:02:59','The customer does not what to do','Open','Medium','Nothing to do',12); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (102,'2003-12-07 10:20:42','Problem with the software','Ongoing','Medium','We dont know what to do',20); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (103,'2004-09-15 12:04:13','Abnormal abend','Closed','Medium','Nothing to do',15); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (104,'1999-09-23 15:40:43','The software doesnt work','Closed','Medium','See the manual guide',12); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (105,'2001-07-10 00:01:18','Abnormal abend','Open','High','Nothing to do',4); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (106,'2001-04-20 01:29:47','Problem with the software','Open','Low','We dont know what to do',15); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (107,'2000-10-28 14:11:39','Abnormal abend','Ongoing','High','See the manual guide',13); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (108,'2004-03-27 05:50:10','Abnormal abend','Closed','High','See the manual guide',6); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (109,'1999-09-21 22:12:02','Abnormal abend','Ongoing','Low','We dont know what to do',18); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (110,'1999-05-16 05:13:15','Problem with the software','Ongoing','Low','The problem was sent to the support',9); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (111,'1998-06-12 01:17:29','The customer does not what to do','Ongoing','High','We dont know what to do',9); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (112,'2002-12-02 08:30:51','Abnormal abend','Open','Medium','The software configuration was wrong',17); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (113,'2001-08-14 16:48:23','Problem with the software','Ongoing','Low','The software configuration was wrong',3); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (114,'2000-03-12 09:52:46','The customer does not what to do','Open','High','Nothing to do',13); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (115,'2000-12-02 23:06:10','The customer does not what to do','Open','Low','Nothing to do',18); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (116,'2003-09-12 10:47:43','Problem with the software','Ongoing','Low','See the manual guide',9); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (117,'2000-07-06 20:56:21','Problem with the software','Closed','High','Nothing to do',14); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (118,'2000-10-06 06:24:59','The customer does not what to do','Closed','Low','We dont know what to do',16); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (119,'2000-10-05 19:32:52','The customer does not what to do','Ongoing','Low','See the manual guide',7); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (120,'2003-02-06 11:36:22','Some times the software does not work','Ongoing','High','See the manual guide',13); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (121,'2002-09-04 23:57:26','The software doesnt work','Closed','High','Nothing to do',15); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (122,'2003-12-19 08:21:14','Abnormal abend','Closed','Low','The problem was sent to the support',7); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (123,'2001-03-15 17:03:31','Problem with the software','Open','Medium','See the manual guide',4); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (124,'1998-04-22 11:49:19','Abnormal abend','Closed','High','The problem was sent to the support',5); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (125,'2000-04-14 14:29:43','Problem with the software','Open','High','Nothing to do',3); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (126,'2000-03-01 07:24:06','Problem with the software','Open','Medium','The software configuration was wrong',2); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (127,'2004-09-15 20:08:44','The customer does not what to do','Closed','Low','We dont know what to do',19); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (128,'2003-02-13 00:16:43','Problem with the software','Closed','Medium','The software configuration was wrong',17); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (129,'1999-06-24 12:35:13','The customer does not what to do','Ongoing','High','Nothing to do',8); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (130,'2003-08-23 17:00:30','Some times the software does not work','Ongoing','Low','See the manual guide',20); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (131,'1998-02-18 15:05:05','The software doesnt work','Closed','Low','See the manual guide',10); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (132,'1999-10-02 07:27:19','The software doesnt work','Ongoing','High','The software configuration was wrong',16); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (133,'2002-06-12 07:25:07','Some times the software does not work','Ongoing','Low','The software configuration was wrong',3); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (134,'2000-11-03 19:29:39','The customer does not what to do','Ongoing','High','The problem was sent to the support',4); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (135,'2004-06-01 00:30:02','The customer does not what to do','Open','Medium','We dont know what to do',12); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (136,'2001-08-08 18:28:05','The software doesnt work','Closed','Low','The software configuration was wrong',15); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (137,'2004-10-11 04:28:43','Problem with the software','Ongoing','High','We dont know what to do',16); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (138,'2003-08-02 12:03:49','Abnormal abend','Open','Medium','Nothing to do',7); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (139,'1999-06-14 21:47:34','Abnormal abend','Open','High','See the manual guide',19); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (140,'1998-10-29 00:14:57','Problem with the software','Open','Medium','The problem was sent to the support',7); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (141,'2000-05-29 06:00:49','Some times the software does not work','Closed','Medium','We dont know what to do',12); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (142,'2004-03-29 10:28:39','The customer does not what to do','Ongoing','High','See the manual guide',1); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (143,'2002-06-17 07:46:26','The software doesnt work','Open','Medium','Nothing to do',10); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (144,'2000-07-23 00:34:47','Problem with the software','Open','Low','We dont know what to do',10); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (145,'2002-07-02 08:10:52','Problem with the software','Open','Medium','See the manual guide',7); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (146,'2002-04-22 07:18:27','The software doesnt work','Open','High','See the manual guide',8); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (147,'2002-10-23 04:26:52','Abnormal abend','Ongoing','High','We dont know what to do',16); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (148,'2002-12-10 23:56:46','Problem with the software','Ongoing','Low','Nothing to do',4); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (149,'2000-06-26 01:47:14','Some times the software does not work','Ongoing','Medium','The problem was sent to the support',10); INSERT INTO `problem` VALUES (150,'1999-08-12 15:11:10','Abnormal abend','Ongoing','High','The problem was sent to the support',17);