 Martin La Regina - 2005-12-21 23:11:01
Hi, my name is martin. Thanks first, i hope to use your class soon. All works ok, but i have a mistake showing the 3 level. For example. I create a root tagets A, B, C and create a 2 level for each on A1, B1, C1, all works great so, i create a 3 level A1.1, B1.1, C1.1. In the DB are ok but in the "Here is it a Html Menu:" at top of example when i click on A open A1, this is OK, but when click from A1->A1.1 open into A2 level.
Thanks a lot and sorry for my poor english.
 S.Shaban - 2005-12-22 01:41:21 - In reply to message 1 from Martin La Regina
hello ,
sorry but I didn't understand what you mean with "but when click from A1->A1.1 open into A2 level."
may you explain more what is A2 Level , take a screenshot or something ?
 Martin La Regina - 2005-12-29 12:35:29 - In reply to message 2 from S.Shaban
Hello. I will try :)
(1) Create root category named A
(2) Create root category named B
(3) Create root category named C
(4) Create a sub-category A1 into (1)
(5) Create a sub-category A2 into (1)
(6) Create a sub-category A1.1 into (4)
In the CATEGORY LIST show's OK but in "Here is it a Html Menu:" when i click on (4) to see the sub-category's into, show it, but expand it on (5) not on (4) like other "childen-father"
Screenshot: http://webs.uolsinectis.com.ar/vsmirnoff/categories.jpg
Thanks and Happy New Year !!
 luolin - 2006-01-13 07:40:44 - In reply to message 3 from Martin La Regina
 S.Shaban - 2006-01-13 20:17:14 - In reply to message 4 from luolin
Thanks martin and luolin , i'm working on it now .. should be fixed in a few days.
 S.Shaban - 2006-01-15 11:10:05 - In reply to message 5 from S.Shaban
hello again , the problem was fixed .. check the updated files..
 luolin - 2006-01-17 03:45:16 - In reply to message 6 from S.Shaban
Thank you
 Martin La Regina - 2006-01-31 17:20:14 - In reply to message 6 from S.Shaban
Cool, now works Great !!! I hope to use it soon. I will write you then i use.