Mike Banks - 2008-11-29 21:02:16
Typo line 796 changed $crtieria to $criteria
Many "PHP Notice: Undefined ..." being generated from your example pages. set Error reporting to E_ALL to see them.
I've been simply adding some 'isset' conditions to quell them such as on lines 96,97,98
$page = (isset($_GET['page']))? (int) $_GET['page'] : 0; // Page number
$order = (isset($_GET['order']))? $_GET['order'] : ''; // Order clause
$filter = (isset($_GET['filter']))? $_GET['filter'] : ''; // Filter clause
Also I snagged your filter.gif image off your site as it was missing from the included images.
Regardless of the above I very much appreciate your hard work on this and will be using it.
Best Regards,