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PHP httpful Request: Send and process HTTP requests using handler class

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httpful 1.0MIT/X Consortium ...7HTTP, PHP 7
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This package can send and process HTTP requests using handler class.

It can send HTTP requests with a wrapper class around the PHP Curl extension.

The package can also provide means to register handler classes that can parse HTTP request responses with data with a given MIME type, as well serialize request data of the same MIME type to be sent as payload of the HTTP requests that are sent.

The package already comes with built-in MIME handler classes for format data types like CSV, form data, HTML, JSON and XML.

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? Httpful

Forked some years ago from nategood/httpful + added support for parallel request and implemented many PSR Interfaces: A Chainable, REST Friendly Wrapper for cURL with many "PSR-HTTP" implemented inferfaces.


- Readable HTTP Method Support (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD, PATCH and OPTIONS) - Custom Headers - Automatic "Smart" Parsing - Automatic Payload Serialization - Basic Auth - Client Side Certificate Auth (SSL) - Request "Download" - Request "Templates" - Parallel Request (via curl_multi) - PSR-3: Logger Interface - PSR-7: HTTP Message Interface - PSR-17: HTTP Factory Interface - PSR-18: HTTP Client Interface



// Make a request to the GitHub API.

$uri = '';
$response = \Httpful\Client::get($uri, null, \Httpful\Mime::JSON);

echo $response->getBody()->name . ' joined GitHub on ' . date('M jS Y', strtotime($response->getBody()->created_at)) . "\n";


// Make a request to the GitHub API with a custom
// header of "X-Foo-Header: Just as a demo".

$uri = '';
$response = \Httpful\Client::get_request($uri)->withAddedHeader('X-Foo-Header', 'Just as a demo')

$result = $response->getRawBody();

echo $result['name'] . ' joined GitHub on ' . \date('M jS Y', \strtotime($result['created_at'])) . "\n";


// BasicAuth example with MultiCurl for async requests.

/ @var \Httpful\Response[] $results */
$results = [];
$multi = new \Httpful\ClientMulti(
    static function (\Httpful\Response $response, \Httpful\Request $request) use (&$results) {
        $results[] = $response;

$request = (new \Httpful\Request(\Httpful\Http::GET))
    ->withBasicAuth('postman', 'password');

// $multi->add_request(...); // add more calls here




composer require voku/httpful


We can override the default parser configuration options be registering a parser with different configuration options for a particular mime type

Example: setting a namespace for the XMLHandler parser

$conf = ['namespace' => ''];
\Httpful\Setup::registerMimeHandler(\Httpful\Mime::XML, new \Httpful\Handlers\XmlMimeHandler($conf));

Handlers are simple classes that are used to parse response bodies and serialize request payloads. All Handlers must implement the MimeHandlerInterface interface and implement two methods: serialize($payload) and parse($response). Let's build a very basic Handler to register for the text/csv mime type.


class SimpleCsvMimeHandler extends \Httpful\Handlers\DefaultMimeHandler
     * Takes a response body, and turns it into
     * a two dimensional array.
     * @param string $body
     * @return array
    public function parse($body)
        return \str_getcsv($body);

     * Takes a two dimensional array and turns it
     * into a serialized string to include as the
     * body of a request
     * @param mixed $payload
     * @return string
    public function serialize($payload)
        // init
        $serialized = '';

        foreach ($payload as $line) {
            $serialized .= '"' . \implode('","', $line) . '"' . "\n";

        return $serialized;

\Httpful\Setup::registerMimeHandler(\Httpful\Mime::CSV, new SimpleCsvMimeHandler());

Finally, you must register this handler for a particular mime type.

\Httpful\Setup::register(Mime::CSV, new SimpleCsvHandler());

After this registering the handler in your source code, by default, any responses with a mime type of text/csv should be parsed by this handler.

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