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Short Code CRUD: Perform CRUD operations on MySQL table records

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short-code-crud 1.9Freeware5HTML, PHP 5, Databases


This class can perform CRUD operations on MySQL table records.

It can perform several types of operations with records of a given MySQL table like:

- InsertRecord : Insert Record to database
- InsertMultipleRecord : Insert Multiple Records
- GetSingleRecord : Retrieve Single Record for Edit or View Action
- GetRecord: Get All or a limited number of Records with pagination
- UpdateRecord : Edit or Update Record Method
- DeleteRecord : Delete Record Method
- GetCustom : For results for arbitrary queries

The class can also generate HTML to display or update the table records like:

- PagiNation : Pagination Display
- UploadFile : Upload File
- DeleteFile : Delete File
- DateDifference : Date Difference
- RedirectPage : To Redirect Specific Pages
- EditLink : Edit Action Link
- StatusLink : Change active or inactive status Action Link
- DeleteLink : Delete Action Link
- SendMail : Send Mail method
- GetRandomString : Generate Random String

Picture of Bharat Parmar
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Country: India India
Age: 33
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Nominee: 3x


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Perform CRUD operations on MySQL table records


$Main = new Main();
$Main->pagetitle="User Management";

$insert_id = $this->InsertRecord("user_master",$_POST);

$_SESSION['message'] = array("status"=>1,"message"=>"Record has been added successfully.");
else if(isset(
$_POST['user_edit']) && isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action']=="edit" && isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id']))
$records = $this->UpdateRecord("user_master",$_POST,"user_id='".$_GET['id']."'");
$_SESSION['message'] = array("status"=>1,"message"=> " Record has been updated successfully.");
else if(isset(
$_GET['action']) && $_GET['action']=="delete" && isset($_GET['id']))
$records = $this->DeleteRecord("user_master","user_id='".$_GET['id']."'");
$_SESSION['admin_message'] = array("status"=>1,"message"=> " Record has been deleted successfully.");
else if(isset(
$_GET['action']) && $_GET['action']=="status" && isset($_GET['status']) && is_numeric($_GET['status']) && isset($_GET['id']))
$info_array = array("active_status"=>$_GET['status']);
$records = $this->UpdateRecord("user_master",$info_array,"user_id='".$_GET['id']."'");
$_SESSION['admin_message'] = array("status"=>1,"message"=> " Active status has been changed successfully.");


<?php if(isset($_GET['action']) && ($_GET['action']=="addnew" || $_GET['action']=="edit")) {

$info_array = array("where"=>"user_id='".$_GET['id']."'");
$userdata = $Admin->GetSingleRecord("user_master",$info_array);


    <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

            <div class="form-group">
                <lable>First Name</lable>
                <input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname" class="form-control alphanumeric" value="<?php echo stripslashes(@$userdata['firstname']);?>" title="Enter First Name">

            <div class="form-group">
                <lable>Last Name</lable>
                <input type="text" name="lastname" id="lastname" class="form-control alphanumeric" value="<?php echo stripslashes(@$userdata['lastname']);?>" title="Enter Last Name">

            <div class="form-group">
                <input type="text" name="email" id="email" class="form-control" value="<?php echo stripslashes(@$userdata['email']);?>" title="Enter Email">

            <div class="form-group">
                <input type="text" name="password" id="password" class="form-control" value="" placeholder="Enter Password Only If You Want to Set/Change it.">

            <div class="form-group">
                <lable>Active Status</lable>
                <select name="active_status" id="active_status" class="form-control">
                    <option value="1" <?php if(@$userdata['active_status']=="1") echo "selected"; ?>>Active</option>
                    <option value="0" <?php if(@$userdata['active_status']=="0") echo "selected"; ?>>Inactive</option>

            <div class="btn-toolbar list-toolbar">
                  <input type="submit" name="user_<?php echo $_GET['action'];?>" value="Save" class="btn btn-primary">
                <input type="button" name="cancel_button" value="Cancel" onclick="window.location='user.php';" class="btn btn-default">
<?php } else { ?>

<table class="table table-hover" id="datarecord">
            <th>User ID</th>
            <th>First Name</th>
            <th>Last Name</th>
            <th>Register Date</th>
= 0;

$_GET['page']) && is_numeric($_GET['page']))
$startfrom= ($_GET['page']*$_SESSION['pagerecords_limit']-$_SESSION['pagerecords_limit']);

$info_array = array(
$records = $Main->GetRecord("user_master",$info_array);

$records as $key=>$value)
                            <td><?php echo $value['user_id']; ?></td>
                            <td><?php echo stripslashes($value['firstname']); ?></td>
                            <td><?php echo stripslashes($value['lastname']); ?></td>
                            <td><?php echo stripslashes($value['email']); ?></td>
                            <td><?php echo date("d-m-Y H:i:s",strtotime($value['register_date'])); ?></td>
                                <?php if($value['active_status']==0) { ?>
<a href="<?php echo $Main->StatusLink($value['user_id'],1);?>"><span class="label label-danger">Inactive</span></a>
                                <?php } else { ?>
<a href="<?php echo $Main->StatusLink($value['user_id'],0);?>"><span class="label label-success">Active</span></a>
                                <?php } ?>

                                <a href="<?php echo $Main->DeleteLink($value['user_id']);?>" class="label label-danger" onclick="return confirm('Are You Sure To Delete This Record?');" style="margin-right:4px;">
                                <i class="fa fa-times"></i> Delete </a>
"<tr><td colspan='4' align='center'>Records not available.</td></tr>";


<?php $Main->PagiNation("user_master","user_id");?>

<?php } ?>


File Structure : 1. config.php : Configuration for the script 2. database.php : Database for the test 3. user.php : Example script with Add, Edit, Records Display, Delete, Active/Inactive Change Status and Pagination methods 4. class/Main.class.php : Class file for all the important methods Methods in the Class : 1) RedirectPage($url) : Parameter(s) : 1 : url (string) => The file name or the url where you want to redirect the user Details : The method will redirect to the give url. Example : $Main->RedirectPage("userdetails.php"); =========================== 2) ViewLink($id) : Details : The method will generate VIEW action like user.php?action=view&id=1. You just need to provide the PRIMARY KEY/ID of the record which you want to display. Parameter(s) : 1 : id (integer) => The primary key for the record which you want to get details. Example : <a href="<?php echo $Main->ViewLink(1); ?>">View Details</a> Output : user.php?action=view&id=1 =========================== 3) EditLink($id) : Details : The method will generate EDIT action like user.php?action=edit&id=1. You just need to provide the PRIMARY KEY/ID of the record which you want to edi the record. Parameter(s) : 1 : id (integer)=> The primary key for the record which you want to get and edit details. Example : <a href="<?php echo $Main->EditLink(1); ?>">Edit</a> Output : user.php?action=edit&id=1 =========================== 4) StatusChangeLink($id,$currentstatus) : Details : The method will generate STATUS CHANGE action like user.php?action=action&id=1&status=0. You just need to provide the PRIMARY KEY/ID of the record which you want to change the active/inactive status of the record. This method will generate two links for the record. One for Active Status and onther for Inactive Status Parameter(s) : 1 : id (integer)=> The primary key for the record which you want to change the status. 2 : current status (integer) => if you have set with 0 as inactive and 1 as active status. You need to pass the current status of the record. Example : <?php echo $Main->StatusChangeLink(1,0); ?> Output : 1 : <a href="user.php?action=status&id=1&status=0">Active</a> : If the record has active status, this link will be used to inactive the same. 2 : <a href="user.php?action=status&id=1&status=1">Inactive</a> : If the record has inactive status, this link will be used to active the same. =========================== 5) StatusLink($id,$status) : Details : The method will generate STATUS action like user.php?action=status&id=1&status=0. You just need to provide the PRIMARY KEY/ID of the record which you want to edi the record. Parameter(s) : 1 : id (integer)=> The primary key for the record which you want to change the status. 2 : status (integer) => status which you want to change Example : <a href="<?php echo $Main->StatusLink(1,0); ?>">Change to Inactive </a> Output : user.php?action=status&id=1&status=0 =========================== 6) DeleteLink($id) : Details : The method will generate DELETE action like user.php?action=delete&id=1. You just need to provide the PRIMARY KEY/ID of the record which you want to edi the record. Parameter(s) : 1 : id (integer)=> The primary key for the record which you want to delete Example : <a href="<?php echo $Main->DeleteLink(1); ?>">Edit</a> Output : user.php?action=delete&id=1 =========================== 7) SendMail($mailto,$subject,$message,$attachments="") : Details : The method will send mail using PHP mail() function. you can also change it with SMTP. Parameter(s) : 1 : $mailto (string)=> Email Address to send the mail 2 : $subject (string)=> Subject for the mail 3 : $message (string)=> Message for the Mail. 4 : $attachments (string)=> Attachment for the Mail. If you want to attach any file, provide the file path for the same. Example : <?php $mailto = ""; $subject = "Test Subject"; $message = "Test Message"; $Main->SendMail($mailto,$subject,$message,$attachments=""); ?> =========================== 8) GetRandomString($length,$type=0) Details : The method will generate the randon string which you can use for verification code or any other. Parameter(s) : 1 : $length (integer)=> String Length which you want. 2 : $type (integer)=> 0 for alpha-numeric, 1 for numberic only and 2 for alpha only. By Default 0 will be set. Example : <?php $Main->GetRandomString(10) ?> => AK76D2s9mh <?php $Main->GetRandomString(4,1) ?> => 8169 <?php $Main->GetRandomString(5,2) ?> => mdiwl =========================== 9) InsertRecord($tablename, array $values) Details : The method will insert record to given table name. You just need to provide the table name and the array with fields and value. This will return the Last Insert Id for the record. The fields which are given, will be added only. Parameter(s) : 1 : $tablename (string) : "user_master". Please note that if you have already set the TABLE_PREFIX in the config.php file, you need not to add that prefix here. 2 : $array (array)=> array("field1"=>"value1", "field2"=>"value2"); Example : <?php $password = md5("12345"); $info_array = array("username"=>"bharat383","password"=>$password,"email"=>""); $insert_id = $Main->InsertRecord("user_master", $info_array); ?> Output : Last insert id for the record. =========================== 10) InsertMultipleRecord($tablename,$fieldarray,$valuearray) Details : The method will insert multiple records to given table name. You just need to provide the table name and the array of fields name and array values. This will return the number of records added to the table. The fields which are given, will be added only. Parameter(s) : 1 : $tablename (string) : "user_master". Please note that if you have already set the TABLE_PREFIX in the config.php file, you need not to add that prefix here. 2 : $fieldarray (array)=> array("field1", "field2"); 3 : $valuearray (array)=> array( [0]=>array("value1", "value2"), [1]=>array("value11", "value12"), [2]=>array("value21", "value22"), [3]=>array("value31", "value32") ); Example : <?php $fieldarray = array("username","password","email"); $valuearray (array)=> array( [0]=>array("test1", "123456", ""), [1]=>array("test2", "123456", ""), [2]=>array("test3", "123456", ""), [3]=>array("test4", "123546", "") ); $total = InsertMultipleRecord("user_master",$fieldarray,$valuearray); ?> Output : Number of records addd with this method. =========================== 11) GetSingleRecord($tablename,array $array) Details : The method will return the details of the single record in the array format as per your 2nd parameter. Parameter(s) : 1 : $tablename (string) : "user_master". Please note that if you have already set the TABLE_PREFIX in the config.php file, you need not to add that prefix here. 2 : $array (array) : 2.1 fields => Fields which you want to retrive. If you want to retrive all fields value, just leave it blank or use "*" for the same. By default it will take "*" for the same. 2.2 where : where condition of you query in simple plain text like "user_id=1 and active_status=1". Do not use "where" here. Example : <?php $info_array = array("where"=>"user_id=1"); $userdata = $Main->GetSingleRecord("user_master",$info_array); ?> Return : Array => array("username"=>"bharat383","password"="12345","email"=>"","active_status"="1") =========================== 12) GetRecord($tablename,array $array) Details : The method will return the details of the records in the array format as per your 2nd parameter. Parameter(s) : 1 : $tablename (string) : "user_master". Please note that if you have already set the TABLE_PREFIX in the config.php file, you need not to add that prefix here. 2 : $array (array) : 2.1 fields => Fields which you want to retrive. If you want to retrive all fields value, just leave it blank or use "*" for the same. By default it will take "*" for the same. 2.2 where (string) : where condition of you query in simple plain text like "user_id=1 and active_status=1". Do not use "where" here. 2.3 orderby (string) : order by field name 2.4 ordertype (string) : order type (asc or desc) 2.5 limit (integer) : number of records 2.6 startfrom (string) : start number of record 2.7 groupby (string) : group by field name Example : <?php $info_array = array("where"=>"active_status=1"); $userdata = $Main->GetRecord("user_master",$info_array); ?> Return : Array => array( [0]=>array("username"=>"bharat383","password"="12345","email"=>"","active_status"="1"), [1]=>array("username"=>"test1","password"="12345","email"=>"","active_status"="1") [2]=>array("username"=>"test2","password"="12345","email"=>"","active_status"="1") ); 13) PagiNation($tablename,$primarykey) Details : The method will display the pagination button/link Parameter(s) : 1 : $tablename (string) : "user_master". Please note that if you have already set the TABLE_PREFIX in the config.php file, you need not to add that prefix here. 2 : $primarykey (string) : primary key which can be count. Example : <?php $Main->Pagination("user_master","user_id"); ?> =========================== 14) UpdateRecord($tablename,array $array, $where="") Details : The method will update the records. Parameter(s) : 1 : $tablename (string) : "user_master". Please note that if you have already set the TABLE_PREFIX in the config.php file, you need not to add that prefix here. 2 : $array (array)=> array("field1"=>"value1", "field2"=>"value2"); 3 : $where (string) : where conditions Example : <?php $Main->UpdateRecord("user_master",$array, $where="user_id='1'"); ?> Return/Output : This method will return you the number of updated records. =========================== 15) DeleteRecord($tablename,$where="",$limit=0) Details : The method will delete the records from the table. Parameter(s) : 1 : $tablename (string) : "user_master". Please note that if you have already set the TABLE_PREFIX in the config.php file, you need not to add that prefix here. 2 : $where (string) : where conditions 3 : $limit (integer) : number of records to be delete. Example : <?php $Main->DeleteRecord("user_master",$where="user_id='1'"); ?> Return/Output : This method will return you the number of deleted records. =========================== 16) GetCustom($query_string) Details : The method will return array as per your query. You can define here any custom, join query. Parameter(s) : 1 : $query_string (string) : MySQL query string. Example : <?php $Main->GetCustom("select * from hm_user_master"); ?> Return/Output : This method will return you the number of records in array. =========================== 17) UploadFile($files,array $array) Details : The method will upload the file/files which you want to upload Parameter(s) : 1 $files (array) : $_FILES which has been used for the upload file. 2 $array : your upload file settings 2.1 uploadpath (string) : upload directory path 2.2 filetype (array) : file types array which you want to allow. 2.3 maxsize (integer) : file size to max size Example : <?php $Main->UploadFile($_FILES['profile_picture'],$array); ?> Return/Output : This method will return files name which has been uploaded. It will rename the file name. =========================== 18) DeleteFile(array $array) Details : The method will upload the file/files which you want to upload Parameter(s) : 1 $array : your file settings 1.1 $files (array) : file name which you want to remove. You can remove multiple files. 1.2 uploadpath (string) : directory path from where you want to delete the file Example : <?php $Main->DeleteFile($array); ?> Return/Output : This method will return number of deleted file. =========================== 19) DateDifference($date1,$date2) Details : The method will return you the array of two dates difference in hours and days Parameter(s) : 1 $date1 : First Date 1 $date2 : Second Date Example : <?php $Main->DateDifference("2015-09-21 12:30:00","2015-09-25 19:00:00"); ?> Return/Output : This method will return hours and days difference. ===========================

  Files folder image Files (5)  
File Role Description
Files folder imageclass (1 file)
Accessible without login Plain text file user.php Example Example Script for the class
Accessible without login Plain text file config.php Conf. Configuration file for the script which includes the database connection and other settings for the script
Accessible without login Plain text file database.php Conf. Database File For the demo script
Accessible without login Plain text file README.txt Doc. Script Description file

  Files folder image Files (5)  /  class  
File Role Description
  Plain text file Main.class.php Class Class file for all the methods

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 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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7 years ago (muabshir)
uses depricated php mysql driver
8 years ago (deep dhaliwal)
Methods are very usefull for my new project setup.
9 years ago (Lucy Grill)
nice work and codding structure.
9 years ago (Jack Thomas)
lack of useful documentation is unacceptable, who's got time ...
9 years ago (fred capasso)
This Code Very Helpful For me I save lot of time This code is...
9 years ago (Harsh Patel)
Very Useful class and save more time.
9 years ago (Er. Chintan Vekariya)